Author Archive

27th December
written by Chris

This domain is no longer registered with GoDaddy in protest of GoDaddy’s support for the Stop Online Piracy Act or SOPA.

3rd November
written by Chris

I am not a marketing person. In fact, as a technology person, I tend to find marketing people frustrating and infuriating. Most of what they say leads me to suspect that they might just be making things up as they go along. I’m not saying that’s the way marketing works, but I often can’t shake that nagging doubt.

Then again, there are clear cut cases where marketing is done well and its done badly. Apple knows how to market. Google does not. (more…)

31st May
written by Chris

My first real exposure to databases was with MySQL.  Every database has its ups and downs and MySQL is no exception, but among its major ups was – to me anyway – a function called Group_Concat.

If you’re not familiar with Group_Concat, consider a basic role based security system.  You have numerous users, each of which has has one or more roles.  It is easy enough to get back a list of user/role pairs, easy enough to get back a list of roles with one user per role, and easy enough to get back a list of users with one role per user; that’s all basic join syntax.

But what if you want a list of roles — one row per role — and want to know every user that has that role?

That’s what Group_Concat is for.  Bicker and argue all you like about why one might or might not need this functionality, there are just times when it’s nice to have.

Unfortunately, MS-SQL doesn’t really implement it… or it didn’t.  Recently I found a sort of hacked together implementation of Group_Concat in MS-SQL that actually works.  Since I’m developing in C# these days, the following implementation applies to a SQL 2008 database implementing’s standard role based security.

     dbo.aspnet_Roles AS r 
               u.UserName + ',' 
               dbo.aspnet_Users u 
               INNER JOIN dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles uir 
                    ON u.UserId = uir.UserId 
               INNER JOIN dbo.aspnet_Roles rr 
                    ON rr.RoleId = uir.RoleId 
               r.RoleId = uir.RoleId FOR XML PATH('')
     ) D(UserNames) 
     GROUP BY 

The relevant parts of this are the XML cleverness and the CROSS APPLY, everything else is basic SQL.

The XML bit relies on MS-SQL’s XML support and is, bluntly, a hack. You can play with it independently with queries like this one

     UserName + '' 

Long story short, adding that FOR XML PATH(”) to the query results in instant concatenation of values. So now all that’s left is to properly relate this to the outer query. That’s where the CROSS APPLY comes in. CROSS APPLY allows you to specify what amounts to a derived table that can legally contain references to some outer information, in this case our outer query. That’s necessary to constrain our inner table so as to only get the users we are interested in. We can’t do it outside of the CROSS APPLY because, by then the concatenation has already occurred.

13th December
written by Chris

Despite my somewhat lacksidasical updating of Nephandus, my tiny handful of posts has gathered some 1,288 comments, of which perhaps 5 – charitably – are actually worthwhile.

The others are spam. All of them. (more…)

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2nd July
written by Chris

User controls are the source of a lot of headaches in C#. They have two major issues that tend to drive programmers a little mad. The first is that they don’t play nicely with the ViewState. Particularly once users start to nest and reorder user controls, the ViewState model (much of which is based on position within the page) starts to break down. In many cases programmers circumvent this little nightmare by simply disabling the ViewState on some controls.

The second issue is that user controls are in their own scope and don’t have immediate access to the rest of the page. That is both a blessing and a curse; good control design means that the controls should be fairly independent of each other but a more pragmatic developer will also note that user controls exist primarily so that numerous copies of the same thing can be easily created and that making entirely self contained controls leads to a lot of unnecessary duplication.

Fortunately there are workarounds for both of these issues. (more…)

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30th June
written by Chris

Not this kind of XML

VirPack has me working on an application that needs a user administered list of options for people to choose from. It’s a fairly simple thing that doesn’t require relational tables so I thought I’d toss it into XML.

Now, C# deals with XML really well. Almost everything, if you just ask nicely, will be quickly and easily packed off into XML the framework with just a few lines of code.


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6th May
written by Chris

Image Credit: PixelPlacebo via Flickr and Creative Commons

Unit testing is good; test driven development is better.  As Knuth once famously quippedBeware of the above code. I have only proven it correct, not tested it.” There really is no substitution for good, solid testing.

Unfortunately, at least in C#, webpages don’t like to be unit tested.  I approach this post with an uncomfortable realization that I am about to lay out the issues and problems I’ve had while the solution I am presently using is far from satisfactory. (more…)

28th April
written by Chris

How do you user test this?

Most of the blogging I’ve done in the past has been political and thus I really haven’t had an opportunity to try to post much in the way of source code in a blog.  Once I got Nephandus up and running on WordPress, however, I thought I’d have a shot at it and thus posted a short article on my experiences with C#’s serialization quirks.

To illustrate a specific point I included a brief snippet of C# code which WordPress promptly turned into an illegible mess.  The web is a notoriously difficult place to display source code and thus I set off in search of a WordPress plug-in that would allow me to do so without too much thought.  Several days, a dozen plug-ins, and a string of curse words that would make a sailor blush with shame, I have a solution.

There is no shortage of syntax highlighting plug-ins available, but the support for their instantiation is practically non-existent.    Nephandus is running a number of plug-ins, none of which required much more than a few mouse-clicks to install and configure yet this particular task proved more difficult and involved than anything else I’ve done with WordPress.

The more I thought about this frustration the more I realized that this is an ongoing problem in the software development industry. (more…)

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26th April
written by Chris

My “learn C# project” at work has centered around creating a drag-and-drop portlet style system for the display of custom widgets.  I’ve been using JQuery UI for the javascript functionality but the backend has been all custom C# work.

People familiar with C# know that C# supports the inclusion of user defined controls called WebControls.  These are more or less very simple C# programs which can be man-handled by another bit of C# code.  They’re handy for making your code modular: you might design a web-control that takes and validates a credit card number, for example.

But WebControls are notoriously tricky beasts and over the course of the last few weeks I’ve come to understand that one of the reasons for this is that they don’t behave quite the way you might expect them to when they are serialized and deserialized. (more…)

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26th April
written by Chris

I am not sure why anyone would want to write a blog post from their phone but if that sounds fun to you there’s apparently an Android app for that. (more…)

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